Sunday, January 29, 2012

A blog you say???

Hello all of you seasoned bloggers!!! I created this blog a few months ago...and its taken me this long to actually write something...oh boy! I couldn't decide what I wanted this blog to be about...what I wanted to write about. I came to the conclusion that I am over thinking this...imagine over thinking something!!
      I will share things about my past, my family, my lessons learned, scripture, too-good-to-keep-to-myself recipes, and whatever else i come up with. So if by chance you read my blog...I hope that it makes you smile...or helps you realize you are not walking this alone...or gives you the recipe that scores you big at family get-togethers!!! Heeeeere we go...
     This first post will be a!!!
I am the oldest of 9 (I think)...I was raised by my Grandparents...which has made a very special place in my heart for the elderly...alot of times I tear up when I see someone "older"...I met my husband my freshman year of high school...he still gives me a hard time because I took 2 weeks to write him back!!!...the 2 of us fell in love, became parents and went through you-know-what and back...all before we graduated...I met my Mom for the first time (since I was a baby) in ' wasn't at all what I expected...but I needed it...and I don't regret it one husband Shannon and I have been married for 14 years...we have 5 beautiful children...2 in Heaven and 3 here on earth...Dylan, Ethan and Gracie...I am a Christian...a work-in-progress...
........I AM BLESSED

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